Our Services
Service Descriptions:
Residential Services are targeted for individuals who require formal support 24 hours/day, 7 days/week. Residential services provide a range of interventions with a particular focus on training and support in one or more of the following areas: eating and drinking, toileting, personal grooming and health care, dressing, communication, interpersonal relationships, mobility, home management and use of leisure time.
Community-Based Day Services are designed to assist people living with intellectual and developmental disabilities in acquiring, retaining and/or improving self-help, socialization and adaptive skills required for active community participation and independence outside the individual’s home. Services are individually planned to meet the individual’s needs and preferences for active community participation.
Supported Employment Services are supports that enable individuals for whom competitive employment at or above the minimum wage is unlikely absent the provision of supports and who, because of their disabilities, need supports to work in a regular work setting. Supported Employment Services are designed to help individuals find full time or part-time work in the community and maintain their employment at or above minimum wage.
Nursing/Health Services are provided by Licensed Registered Nurses and/or Licensed Practical Nurses. Health Services include nursing assessments and interventions as deemed medically necessary; administering, assessing and/or monitoring an individual’s response to medication(s); assessing and monitoring an individual’s medical and other health issues; consulting with the individual and identified family member/Supported Decision Maker about medical, nutritional and other health issues and educating the individual and any identified family/Supported Decision Maker about potential medication side effects and/or medical procedures.
Behavioral Support Services: PHP utilizes a Behavior Specialist for supporting individuals with the ongoing and emerging need for behavioral supports in all service settings. Behavior Support Plans are individualized. The goal is to support the individual in developing replacement behaviors and/or coping techniques in all environments.
Consultants/Other: PHP works with community Physicians, Psychiatrists, Pharmacists, Physical Therapist, Occupational therapists, etc. to ensure for the health and medical needs of the persons served.
Transportation: Transportation is available daily to ensure access to community activities and medical appointments.
Self-Advocacy Training: Learning how to speak up for yourself, making your own decisions about your own life, learning how to get information so that you can understand things that are of interest to you, knowing your rights and responsibilities, problem-solving and learning about self-determination.
We are here to be your advocate.
Where we work
We have PHP facilities in 3 states. Each of the states offers programs and services. Training focuses on self-sufficiency, employment and achievement of a high school education.
Home and Community Based Waiver services in homes or individual apartments in the Wetumpka and Dothan areas with a special focus on individuals with challenging behavioral needs.
An Intermediate Care facility in the Orlando area serving a population with challenging medical and behavioral needs.